R. Gene and Nancy D. Richter Foundation
Serving Our Community
Applications are now open.
Thoughts from a 2005 Richter Scholar
Jeanne Chan Rineer
Profile of a Richter Scholar
A Richter Scholar is a student who has:
Attained High Academic Achievement
Recipients of this award have an exemplerary transcript and are oftentimes enrolled in an honors program.
Demonstrated Strong Leadership Ability
Past winners have been active participants in campus activities and are usually an officer of one of the organizations they are involved in. Others have led charitable efforts within their communities. They are involved.
High Ethical Standards
This is a very important aspect of the program. Answers to essay questions are especially relevant to assessing the applicants’ ethics. This is an area explored in greater depth during the personal interview.
Made A Strong Commitment to Pursuing A Career in the Field of Supply Chain Management
This is best shown through participation in their campus SCMA, APICS or ISM chapter. In addition, we would expect that an applicant has completed, or is committed to completing an internship in the supply chain management field by the beginning of their senior year.

Emily Irvin

Julia Lower

Bridgette Larsen