R. Gene and Nancy D. Richter Foundation
Serving Our Community
ABOUT the foundation
The R. Gene and Nancy D. Richter Foundation
is a 501c3 private family foundation devoted to community service. We offer educational opportunities to supply chain and non-traditional undergraduates as well as supporting other community interests.
We offer two major Scholarship Programs:
The R. Gene Richter Scholarship Program:
Identify the future leaders of supply chain management and fast-track those individuals into the profession through a program of tuition assistance, executive mentoring, junior mentoring and networking.
The Nancy D. Richter Scholarship Program:
Provide educational assistance to
Non-Traditional students attending the College of Business,
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Congratulations to the 2024 Scholarship Recipients!
Alec Cousino - Wayne State University
Alivia Clawson - Penn State University
James Webb Fox III - University of Cincinnati
Megan Merola - Penn State University
Taahera Islam - University of South Carolina

Nan Richter and Elizabeth Richter
Richter Foundation Trustees

2023 Scholars